
An occasional anti-virtuosic come-one-come-all Syracuse ukulele conflagration extravaganza!
January 25th, 2013 by admin

SyraUke Beach Party: Feb 2

SyraUke Beach Party (why not?)

Our next conflagration will be… Feb 2, 2-5pm
at our HQ: 1003 E Fayette St. (corner of S. Crouse) #8 (third floor). Parking in back and around, enter through back door off the parking lot.

Harriet and I made the executive decision to skip this Saturday (which has nothing to do with the fact that Harriet’s not in town) (She’s at the beach) and get back to our first and third Saturday of the month.

Suggestion: send us the songs you’d really like to play and we’ll work on learning them before we get together! A little loose planning! Send songs to SYRAUKE@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU or email Joanna at and I’ll get them out to the group.