
An occasional anti-virtuosic come-one-come-all Syracuse ukulele conflagration extravaganza!
October 16th, 2015 by djfatta

Proposed Songs for October 17 Conflagration

In the spirit of Halloween and general foolishness, I would like to suggest two songs from “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” for our October 17 conflagration: “Science Fiction Double Feature” and “Time Warp”. You can click on the links below  to see the chord charts. I will bring some copies in case anyone is interested.

Science Fiction Double Feature



2 Responses to “Proposed Songs for October 17 Conflagration”
  1. Some friends dropped downtown to come play with you folks today, Sat. 10/3, (I’ve never been but they have and I was going to meet them there) but they found no one there. : – (

    Looking at the website now I see it hasn’t been updated with Fall 2015 dates. If you are still meeting every other Saturday this would have been the date, right?

    Could you let me know what the schedule is now…did we mix up the every other Saturday days?

    Diana C.

    • Sorry about the mix up. We are meeting the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month this fall. So Nov 7 is our next one